Important Public Meeting Nov. 30th

Nov 30th. 2021: Town Meeting to discuss repaving Hwy.276 in 2022.
The Planning Commission has announced a Town Meeting on Nov. 30th. 2021 from 5:00 p.m.- 7:00 discuss the repaving of Hwy.276 scheduled to begin 2022. The meeting will be held in Slater Hall, Slater, SC.
The SCDOT engineers, Greenville County Planning, Joe Dill, Mike Burns, and Tom Corbin will be present. There is a proposed plan to convert Hwy. 276 from four lanes to a two lane highway from the intersection of Hwy. 276 to Hart Cut Road. Almost all of the output from area residents are against the change to two lanes. SCDOT just doesn't seem to understand residents just want the rutted highway repaved! Plans will be discussed at this meeting.
So they are going to repave Hwy 276 starting at the intersection of Hwy 276?