Greenville Water To Install Water Mains On Tugaloo Road

Greenville Water will be starting a new project which will replace old water mains along Tugaloo Road off of Geer Highway. The project which will include the installation of about 12,932 linear feet of new 8 and 6 inch water mains in the area. Work will begin within thirty days.
The water company says activities will generally take place between 8:30 a.m and 5 p.m Monday through Friday. Weekend work is not planned at this time but may be necessary at some point in time. Upon completion of the water main installation, restoration of street surfaces, landscaping and grass areas will be completed by Greenville Water crews or the company's contractor.
Phases of the project will be water main installation, flushing of the new main to clean out any debris from construction, water samples will then be tested, tapping customers over to the new main will begin after clean samples are taken, tap overs will include the installation of a new water meter on customers' properties.
During all working hours, affected roads will have at least one 12 foot wide lane of traffic and will be maintained at all times. The water company says temporary disruption of other utility services such as telephone, cable TV, and gas is possible but will be corrected immediately should they occur. Motorists should expect delays in and around the construction areas.