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FEMA Assistance Available

COLUMBIA, S.C. – South Carolina families and households who suffered damage as a result of the severe storms, tornadoes, straight-line winds and flooding on April 12- 13, 2020 may be eligible for federal disaster assistance.

FEMA help may be available to disaster survivors in Aiken, Colleton, Hampton, Marlboro, Oconee, Orangeburg and Pickens counties.

You can register for assistance in one of three ways: • Online by logging onto • The FEMA app. Visit: or your phone’s app store. • Call 800-621-3362 or TDD 800-462-7585. Language translators also are available. Tollfree numbers are open daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The following information is helpful when registering: • Address of the primary residence where the damage occurred. • Current mailing address. • Current telephone number. • Insurance information. • Total household annual income. • Routing and account number for checking or savings account. This allows FEMA to directly transfer disaster assistance funds into a bank account. • A description of disaster-caused damage and losses.

When natural disasters occur, it is common for some people to take advantage of survivors by posing as official disaster aid workers trying to help survivors complete their applications. Scam attempts can be made over the phone, by mail or email, text or in person. Survivors of South Carolina’s April 12-13 storms should be aware of fraud and scams and report any suspicious activity or potential fraud from scam artists, identity thieves and other criminals. Federal and state workers never ask for or accept money and always carry identification badges. There is no fee required to apply for or to get federal disaster assistance. Those who question the validity of a contact or suspect fraud are encouraged to call the FEMA Disaster Fraud Hotline at 866-720-5721. Complaints also may be made by contacting local law enforcement. FEMA also recommends you monitor your credit report for any accounts or changes you do not recognize. If you discover someone is using your information, you will need to take additional steps, including filing a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission through its website

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